Sea Transportation

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Sea Transportation

In international maritime transport, there is always a saying that is said as a cliché. ’Extensive network of agency spread across approximately 189 countries". Yes, there is such a network of agencies, but it serves everyone. Daff Lojistik A.Ş. however, it uses these agents according to the status of loading, but offers a dynamic service and result with offices in Germany, Malta and America. Daff Lojistik, performs import sea transportation from all ports in the world to Turkey smoothly, just as it does alternative transportation to all ports in the world. It uses the most appropriate services, both full container and partial. Daff Lojistik, which works directly with the leading large companies in Europe, does not only price what is requested, offers an alternative, and performs the real ‘Freight Brokering’ business with advice and an alternative by specifying different options.

DAFF Lojistik A.Ş. offers following Maritime Transport Services professionally:

* Import / Export / Transit and Third Country transportations
* Complete container, partial container transports
* Special equipment (Flat, Flat rack, open Top, Iso Tank and Bulk )
* Transport costs that create alternatives with the world's leading transport contracts, transport with regular or special services.
* And our most important feature: great operation, response on time and regular document delivery!

Our company, which has a wide experience especially in project loading and special equipment shipments, concludes door delivery special loads smoothly and on time. In addition, the company can provide exclusive results to its clients by using its capabilities to solve problems thanks to its extensive logistics network.

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İzmir / TR (Head Office)

Adalet Mah. Manas Bulvarı Folkart Towers A Kule No:47/B K:38 D:3809 Bayraklı/İZMİR
Phn : +90 232 464 01 12
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72

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New Jersey / USA (Branch Office)

330 Snyder Avenue Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 / USA

Ipswich / UK (Branch Office)

70-72 The Havens, Ransomes Europark Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9BF United Kingdom

Dubai / UAE (Branch Office)

1542 & 1544, M1-Mega Terminal, Dubai Airport Cargo Village. P.O. Box: 16408 Dubai/UAE

Bursa / TR

Ahmet Taner Kışlalı Bulvarı 29 Ekim Mahallesi Ceylan Plus No:19 A Blok Kat:2 Daire:18 Nilüfer/BURSA
Phn : +90 224 242 44 54
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72

İzmir / TR (Head Office)

Adalet Mah. Manas Bulvarı Folkart Towers A Kule No:47/B K:38 D:3809 Bayraklı/İZMİR
Phn : +90 232 464 01 12
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72

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New Jersey / USA (Branch Office)

330 Snyder Avenue Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 / USA

Ipswich / UK (Branch Office)

70-72 The Havens, Ransomes Europark Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9BF United Kingdom

Dubai / UAE (Branch Office)

1542 & 1544, M1-Mega Terminal, Dubai Airport Cargo Village. P.O. Box: 16408 Dubai/UAE

Bursa / TR

Ahmet Taner Kışlalı Bulvarı 29 Ekim Mahallesi Ceylan Plus No:19 A Blok Kat:2 Daire:18 Nilüfer/BURSA
Phn : +90 224 242 44 54
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72