Storehouse, Warehouse Services

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Storehouse, Warehouse Services

Daff Logistics, with its partner özmal and warehouses and storehouses equipped with the latest technology and resided in important commercial centers of the world, offers its current clients inventory management, zero stock problem, handling, undamagedness and distribution. With the alternative storage or loading services it offers, the investment amount is reflected in the costs in accordance with the statutory depreciation periods and it offers a cost advantage by freeing its clients from high rental costs. DAFF Lojistik A.Ş. offers following Storehouse Transport Services professionally:
* Flexible storehouse space management and planning,
* Cost and time management by variables,
* Supply of human resources and equipment according to needs,
* Inventory tracking and management in accordance with client principles and procedures
* Shipping service from Port to Storehouse,
* Great savings in transportation costs by using duty-paid and duty-free warehouses at the same time
* Timely and regular document delivery,
* Reliable, fast and economical service

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İzmir / TR (Head Office)

Adalet Mah. Manas Bulvarı Folkart Towers A Kule No:47/B K:38 D:3809 Bayraklı/İZMİR
Phn : +90 232 464 01 12
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72

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New Jersey / USA (Branch Office)

330 Snyder Avenue Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 / USA

Ipswich / UK (Branch Office)

70-72 The Havens, Ransomes Europark Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9BF United Kingdom

Dubai / UAE (Branch Office)

1542 & 1544, M1-Mega Terminal, Dubai Airport Cargo Village. P.O. Box: 16408 Dubai/UAE

Bursa / TR

Ahmet Taner Kışlalı Bulvarı 29 Ekim Mahallesi Ceylan Plus No:19 A Blok Kat:2 Daire:18 Nilüfer/BURSA
Phn : +90 224 242 44 54
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72

İzmir / TR (Head Office)

Adalet Mah. Manas Bulvarı Folkart Towers A Kule No:47/B K:38 D:3809 Bayraklı/İZMİR
Phn : +90 232 464 01 12
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72

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New Jersey / USA (Branch Office)

330 Snyder Avenue Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 / USA

Ipswich / UK (Branch Office)

70-72 The Havens, Ransomes Europark Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9BF United Kingdom

Dubai / UAE (Branch Office)

1542 & 1544, M1-Mega Terminal, Dubai Airport Cargo Village. P.O. Box: 16408 Dubai/UAE

Bursa / TR

Ahmet Taner Kışlalı Bulvarı 29 Ekim Mahallesi Ceylan Plus No:19 A Blok Kat:2 Daire:18 Nilüfer/BURSA
Phn : +90 224 242 44 54
Fax : +90 232 464 77 72